Even the Met Gala, arguably the most prestigious fashion event of the year, doesn’t come without its fair share of drama. The latest developments in the star-studded soirée comes from its seating charts — or, evidently, fake ones. Yesterday, the Instagram account Met Gala 2021 — which is not affiliated with the event — posted an image of a supposed seating chart. The tables shown featured a range of celebrities of varying achievements, ages and status paired with a range of designers, including Vera Wang, Donatella Versace, Thierry Mugler and Jeremy Scott. At one table, Beyoncé was seated between YouTuber Emma Chamberlain and Spanish singer Rosalia, across from TikTok star Addison Rae. At another, Lizzo faced Olympian Allyson Felix, while Sarah Jessica Parker, Bella Hadid, Jennifer Lopez and Rihanna were seated between them. A third found TikTok sensation Charli D’Amelio and Cara Delevingne sandwiching YouTuber James Charles, The Weeknd and Emily Ratajkowski, while others saw pairings of Selena Gomez, Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry, as well as Harry Styles, Zendaya and Miley Cyrus. View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Metropolitan Museum of Art (@metmuseum) The photos of the supposed Met Gala tables were dissected as fakes due
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