Saweetie brought the white-hot vibes to her Christmas celebration in Lagos, Nigeria this week. The rapper exuded elegance in a cream knit dress from Rowen Rose. The dress featured subtle yet sophisticated detailing with a white outline delicately tracing the collar and sleeve, adding a touch of contrast to the creamy hue. A white and gold belt cinched her waist, accentuating her figure and adding a touch of glamour. View this post on Instagram A post shared by 💎💎💎💎💎 (@saweetie) She further elevated her ensemble with carefully chosen accessories, including a chunky necklace that drew attention to her neckline and pendant earrings that framed her face. Completing her look, she carried a raffia purse on her shoulders, adding a touch of boho chic to her overall sophisticated appearance. On Saweetie’s feet, she selected Manc Griselda heels in a peep toe, slingback design. Crafted in Turkey, are a perfect blend of fashion and functionality. Made with 100% shiny calf leather and featuring a tone-on-tone covered 3.5-inch heel, these open-toe shoes offer breathability and comfort for all-day wear, regardless of the occasion. Manc Griselda Heels First popularized in
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