Cardi B had the eye of the tiger with her latest Paris Fashion Week look. The “WAP” rapper joined Offset for a night on the town today in wild attire. Cardi B’s look, in particular, tucked a semi-sheer black turtleneck top into a statement skirt, coated with a depiction of a tiger across the high-slit silhouette. The rapper also included a spiked beret hat and sheer thigh-high stockings. Cardi B and Offset step out and about in Paris during Paris Fashion Week, Oct. 1. CREDIT: Neil Warner/MEGA A closer view of Cardi B’s heels. CREDIT: Neil Warner/MEGA When it came to footwear, Offset showed off his own footwear style in Maison Margiela Tabi boots with a hoof split toe. Cardi B, who gave birth to her second child with Offset just weeks ago, reached new heights in her go-to towering pumps. The pointed-toe heels are set atop a recognizable red-bottom outsole — courtesy of Christian Louboutin — with a towering 5-inch stiletto heel. Layered with sheer black tights, similar shoes from the French footwear designer retail for close to $800 at Matches Fashion. The musician has worn the French pumps multiple times throughout her trip to Paris, matching to textured blazers and a measuring tape coat. Cardi B and Offset step
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