Cardi B’s latest outfit brought monochrome dressing to a new level at Paris Fashion Week. The “Money” rapper stepped out this morning in a an all-green look. The emerald-toned ensemble featured a skintight zip-up top, which included sleeves that extended into gloves and a ruffled bonnet. Cardi B accented the bold piece with matching sunglasses, which featured rimless bottoms. Cardi B strolls through Paris, France during Paris Fashion Week. CREDIT: KCS Presse / MEGA For footwear, Cardi B killed two birds with one stone — and simplified her dressing routine in the process. The “Hustlers” actress tucked her top into a pair of pleated high-waisted pants, which came with attached shoes. Though they couldn’t be fully seen due to their fabric coverings, her shoes appeared to feature a pointed-toe silhouette and tall heels. Her look’s single tone created a monochrome effect, allowing her ensemble to appear streamlined and effortless. Cardi B strolls through Paris, France during Paris Fashion Week. CREDIT: KCS Presse / MEGA A closer look at Cardi B’s heeled pants. CREDIT: KCS Presse / MEGA Monochrome dressing is one of this year’s biggest trends, due to its ease and sharpness. Pairing pieces in the same print, texture or color creates a streamlined effect that looks extremely low-effort.
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