Mary J. Blige makes a bold statement in her latest look. The “Just Fine” singer posted a photo of her dazzling outfit on Instagram Saturday. For the ensemble, Blige is donning a halter top that features crystals and other embellishments displayed on the front of the shirt, and she paired this look with black leather shorts. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mary J Blige (@therealmaryjblige) When it came down to the shoes, Blige sported a pair of crystal-embellished mules from Alexander Wang. The shoe features an upper that’s covered in crystals on a sharp stiletto heel. The style is available for $695 at CREDIT: Net-a-Porter Blige’s essential style consists of fashion-forward looks that feel trendy yet timeless. She’s known as a tastemaker and her style has been highlighted for years thanks to her innovation and creativity. She gravitates towards styles like printed separates, fur coats, intricate suiting, edgy swimsuits and leather galore. The running consensus from her fans on social media and on her Instagram feed alike is that Blige has an affinity for thigh-high and knee-high boots. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mary J Blige (@therealmaryjblige) When dressed to the nines, Blige walks
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