There are certain wardrobe investments you make because they're trendy and flashy and catch your eye, and then there are others you make that are on the more practical side. These items might not be the ones you're jumping up and down with excitement to wear, but I guarantee they're the ones that you wear most in your closet. I'm talking about wardrobe basics—pieces like white T-shirts and straight-leg jeans that make up the backbone of your wardrobe. Now, it might be tempting when cleaning out your closet each season to add some of these items to the giveaway pile to create room for the aforementioned trendy pieces, but trust me when I say that's a mistake.
There are certain basic items that you should always have on hand and you're all but guaranteed to miss them as soon as they're gone. The exception to this statement is if the item is too worn out to the point that it's not functional anymore (e.g., it has holes or permanent stains). Outside of that, though, it's best to hold on to these pieces. From the third piece that always looks polished to the shoe style, you'll most likely wear for the rest of your life, below I'm outlining the five best wardrobe basics you should never purge from your closet.